
在冠状病毒援助下, 救济和经济安全(关怀)法, 冰球突破官方平台 has received funds to provide emergency grants to students with unforeseen emergency expenses caused by the disruption due to COVID-19. 符合条件的费用包括食品、住房、课程材料、技术、医疗保健和儿童保育.

冰球突破官方平台 has signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.



收到的款项- CARES $461,129
收到的资金- CRRSAA $461,129
收到的资金- ARP $1,295,959
累计已支付资金 $2,021,268




8月, 2022, students registered for the fall 2022 semester and receiving a Federal Pell Grant received an email notifying them of eligibility for a $700 federal emergency grant. 奖学金按比例颁发给非全日制学生. Students that want their emergency grant applied to their student account need to email the Office of Student Accounts from their 冰球突破mg平台 email. Students that do not request the grant applied to their bill can pick up their refund checks from the Office of Student Accounts on or after noon on Friday, 8月26日, 2022(需出示有效证件).

家长们还收到了一封电子邮件,通知他们冰球突破mg平台打算向符合条件的学生发放联邦紧急补助金. Parents were directed to check with their student to confirm eligibility and to help the student decide if they wanted the check or the credit to their student account.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 directs institutions to award these federal emergency grants to students with “exception need, 例如获得佩尔助学金的学生或有特殊经济状况的本科生。”. Students experiencing extraordinary financial circumstances should contact the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@paulsmiths.查看是否有额外的紧急拨款. Students requesting additional emergency grant funding must submit documentation of their extraordinary financial circumstances.

1月9日, 2022, 注册2022年春季学期并获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生. NYS丝锥, 和/或VSAC补助金, 收到一封电子邮件,通知他们有资格获得2美元的奖金,5万联邦紧急拨款. 奖学金按比例颁发给非全日制学生. Students that want their emergency grant applied to their student account need to email the Office of Student Accounts from their 冰球突破mg平台 email. Students that do not request the grant applied to their bill can pick up their refund checks from the Office of Student Accounts on or after noon on Friday, 1月28日, 2022(需出示有效证件).

家长们还收到了一封电子邮件,告知他们冰球突破mg平台打算向符合条件的学生发放联邦紧急补助金. Parents were directed to check with their student to confirm eligibility and to help the student decide if they wanted the check or the credit to their student account.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 directs institutions to award these federal emergency grants to students with “exception need, 例如获得佩尔助学金的学生或有特殊经济状况的本科生。”. Students experiencing extraordinary financial circumstances should contact the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@paulsmiths.查看是否有额外的紧急拨款. Students requesting additional emergency grant funding must submit documentation of their extraordinary financial circumstance.

8月5日, 2021, 2021年秋季注册的符合联邦佩尔助学金资格的学生, 收到一封电子邮件,通知他们有资格获得1美元的奖金,200联邦紧急拨款. 奖学金按比例颁发给非全日制学生. Students that want their emergency grant applied to their student account need to email the Office of Student Accounts from their 冰球突破mg平台 email. Students that do not request the grant applied to their bill can pick up their refund checks from the Office of Student Accounts on or after August 17, 2021年(需出示有效证件).

Parents also received an email letting them know of 冰球突破mg平台’s intent to release federal emergency grants to Federal Pell Grant eligible students. Parents were directed to check with their student to confirm eligibility and to help the student decide if they wanted the check or the credit to their student account.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 directs institutions to award these federal emergency grants to students with “exception need, 例如获得佩尔助学金的学生或有特殊经济状况的本科生。”. Students experiencing extraordinary financial circumstances should contact the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@paulsmiths.查看是否有额外的紧急拨款. Students requesting additional emergency grant funding must submit documentation of their extraordinary financial circumstance.

所有在校生, eligible for federal financial aid (as indicated by having a valid FAFSA for any academic year) will receive a federal emergency grant. The amount of the awards are determined by financial need as derived by the student’s cost of attendance and Estimated Family Contribution from the 20/21 FAFSA:

Pell合格EFC $1,375
未满足的财政需要 $925
无经济需要证明 $200

符合条件的学生收到一封通知他们获奖的电子邮件. Students were provided an option to have their grant applied to their student account if they actively requested by emailing studentaccounts@jackrabbitreds.com在2021年3月24日中午之前. 家长们还收到了一封电子邮件,告知他们冰球突破mg平台打算向学生发放联邦紧急补助金. Parents were directed to check with their student to confirm eligibility and to help the student decide if they wanted the check or the credit to their student account.

没有主动申请助学金的学生将申请到他们的学生账户, 我星期五会收到支票吗, 3月26日. 校内学生的支票将发送到学生邮箱. Checks for off-campus students will be held for pick-up in the Student Accounts Office (first floor of Phelps Administration Building). Off-campus students unable to pick-up their check can request the check be mailed by confirming mailing address with studentaccounts@jackrabbitreds.com.


将于2021年1月向所有返校的春季学生发放200美元的紧急补助金. 这笔钱是为了帮助支付返回校园所需的冠状病毒检测费用, as well as other expenses students incurred or will incur related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including expenses such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). 新学生, 或者那些没有参加秋季课程的返校学生, 会在春季学期中期收到他们的支票吗.

Students eligible for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits will also receive a federal emergency grant check to help offset the loss of VA 住房 assistance during the longer-than-normal winter break, as well as other expenses students incurred or will incur related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including expenses such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). 金额将根据学生的常规福利金额而有所不同.

所有支票将邮寄到学院存档的地址. 如果学生需要更改,他们应该联系学生账户. 接受这些资助即表示并同意学生将这些资金用于上述目的. 如果一个学生将无法使用资金用于这些目的, they should not cash the grant funding check or should make arrangements to return the funds to the College if the check has already been cashed. 只有持有有效FAFSA文件的在校学生才有资格获得奖学金.  Students with additional expenses related to the disruption of campus operation due to coronavirus should contact the Director of Financial Aid.

Students looking for information on funding for those who are quarantined during the Spring 2021 semester by 冰球突破mg平台 should click the section below titled “Spring 2021 Current/Past Quarantined Students Only: CARES Grant Appeal Form.”


  • 任何在校学生在活跃学期期间检测呈阳性的学生, 面对面的学生
  • 所有学生都确定了一个密切接触者的校园阳性接触
  • 所有学生被确定为校园阳性接触的近距离接触者 2月4日前. As of 2/9/2021 students identified as proximate contacts of an on-campus positive exposure will no longer be quarantined following guidelines laid out by the Franklin County Health Department.


  • 由于来自非相邻州而必须在返回校园时进行隔离的学生
  • 因不遵守返校检测规定,返校后被隔离的学生
  • 因接触非psc阳性个体而必须隔离的学生(例如.e. 曝光发生在其他地方,而不是冰球突破mg平台的校园。

被隔离的学生将获得200美元. 在校外隔离的学生将获得400美元. 提供紧急赠款是为了协助支付与隔离有关的费用, as well as other expenses you have incurred or will incur related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including expenses such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育). 接受赠款即表示同意将资金用于上述目的. 如果一个学生将无法使用资金用于这些目的, 如果已经收到资金,他们应该联系财政援助办公室并退还资金.

如果学生在隔离期间产生的费用超过授予的金额,可以填写以下表格. 这个表格是 只有 不属于上述任何类别的已被冰球突破官方平台隔离的学生.


目的: to assist 冰球突破mg平台 students with emergency needs resulting from disruption of campus operations due to COVID 19 in accordance with federal guidelines.

要求, 资金将直接寄给学生, 不应课税, 并且不会反映在经济援助的申请中. All requests from students will include a certification that need is for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和儿童保育).

  • 学生资格:2020年春季入学,并持有有效的FAFSA文件
  • 时间表:请求可以立即开始,持续到4月25日, 2021年或直到资金耗尽.
  • 方法计算:
    • Funds will be distributed to any enrolled student whose individual and/or financial circumstances due to COVID-19 negatively and materially impact their ability to pay expenses resulting from the disruption of campus operations.
    • Grant award is based on EFC; and weighted with highest need category.
      • EFC<$5,576 (Pell Eligible) $ 1000
      • 欧元5,577美元- 19,999美元600美元
      • EFC >$20,000 $ 250
    • 助学金可按比例授予非全日制学生.

而学生有自由裁量权使用资金支付任何符合条件的费用出席费用(如食品), 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 以及儿童保育)与冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断有关, 鼓励学生投资于移动计算设备,以满足 专业的最低要求.

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